Dividend distribution proposal corresponding to the 2022 financial year, to be paid in 2023
Results of the third trimester of 2022

In an extremely complicated scenario, the Group has achieved a significant increase in both turnover and adjusted EBITDA, proving that our business model is apt also in adverse scenarios. The high-cost inflation in logistics, raw materials, energy, etc… has followed the trend set in previous quarters, affecting all aspects of our operations. Differentiation, diversification, diligent… Read more
EBRO TALENT, awarded as one of the best SUSTAINABILITY ACTIONS 2022 in Spain
Last October, Sustainability Day 22 was held in Madrid, a leading event in Spain on sustainability, organized by Compromiso RSE and Equipos&Talento. Under the slogan “Inspiring actions for a better world”, a large group of professionals shared the best innovations and best practices of their respective companies and created different spaces for debate on the… Read more
Did you know that the Oryzonte project has achieved its first milestones?

The following infographic shows the results of the sustainable agriculture project to improve the sustainability of rice cultivation in Seville.
Did you know that Riviana Foods will invest $80.6 million in its Memphis plant?
Riviana Foods ha anunciado durante el trimestre una inversión de $80,6 millones para expandir y renovar su planta de procesamiento y envasado de última generación en Memphis, Tennessee. Esta inversión aumentará significativamente la capacidad de producción actual de la planta de los vasitos de arroz microondas Minute® e introducirá nuevas líneas de producción para los… Read more
Did you know that Ebro India goes on step further in caring for the environment?
Ebro India acaba de iniciar un proyecto de instalación de paneles solares en la planta de Taraori en Haryana, con el objetivo de ser más eficientes desde un punto de vista energético y reducir su huella de carbono. En este contexto, la instalación de estas placas prevé un ahorro estimado en torno al 18-20% del… Read more
Interview with Nicolás Delmonte, La Loma Alimentos Human Resources Manager

In this newsletter we go to our Argentine subsidiary La Loma Alimentos to talk to Nicolás Delmonte, Human Resources (HR) Manager of this company. Nicolás will tell us about the strategic role played by La Loma Alimentos within the Ebro Group and also about the inspiring projects he is developing in the Human Resources area.
The best foods to fight the cold and keep you healthy

When temperatures drop, our body becomes more vulnerable and the chances of suffering from infections and colds increase. A good diet is essential to strengthen the immune system and prepare our body for the coldest months of the year. Thus, we will eliminate excesses and toxins and we will be able to fill the body… Read more
Do you know how to recycle correctly?
Millions of tons of waste are generated every year and although more than 75% could be recycled, only 30% is recycled. The low recycling rate is a real problem that is often linked to the lack of knowledge of the recycling process of each material. In this infographic we explain everything you need to know… Read more