Our Group closed a very positive first quarter in terms of sales, thanks to the good performance of our brands, which remain strong in all their markets. After putting behind us the most difficult moments of the pandemic, consumers are once again including our higher value-added products in their shopping baskets.
Ebro posted a net turnover of €697.2 million. The comparison with last year is distorted by the extraordinary peaks in demand recorded by the Group following the outbreak of the pandemic in March 2020. Net Profit was up 10.6% to €52.8 million, and EBITDA-A was €94.1, very similar to the previous year.
We have successfully completed the divestment in the North American dry pasta business, closing the deals begun at the end of 2020, and the sale of the Ronzoni brand and Winchester plant. The Garofalo and Tilda businesses remain on track, stepping up their expansion into other markets.
It has been a complicated quarter due to higher costs in freight, energy and agricultural and auxiliary raw materials, among others, within a more depressed socioeconomic context. However, the solvency of our management, the high degree of commitment of our professionals and our business consistency have allowed us to effectively face this complex situation and present these good results.
You can read the complete news about the results here