Annual General Shareholders Meeting June 2024
Total number of shares and voting rights

On the date of the notice of call of the Annual General Meeting, the capital of Ebro Foods, S.A. is divided into 153,865,392 shares, all in the same series and class.
Each share gives the right to one vote, for a total of 153,865,392 voting rights.
Holding on first call and meeting venue

Calle Rafael Calvo, 39 - AUDITORIO RAFAEL DEL PINO (Madrid)

The General Meeting will foreseeably be held on FIRST CALL, at 12.30 on 5 June 2024.
The Online Attendance of the Annual General Meeting is enabled.
The Company recommends all shareholders who wish to attend the General Meeting to do so online, through the online attendance platform, on the terms set out in the notice of call and this web.
Without prejudice to the onsite or online attendance of the Annual General Meeting, the Company recommends all shareholders who plan to exercise their voting and proxy rights by remote communication prior to the General Meeting to do so through the electronic platforms enabled or by post or equivalent courier service.
Shareholders are kindly requested to make an appointment before visiting the Company's offices, through the Shareholders’ Office on telephone number +34 917245267, from 09:00 to 14:00 from Monday to Friday (excluding holidays), or at
The Company might not be able to attend any shareholders turning up without an appointment.
There will be no in-person delivery of gifts at the Meeting venue or at the Company's offices.
Gifts will be sent free of charge to all shareholders who participate in the General Meeting when so request and give the company the necessary contact details (name, postal address and telephone number).
The gift can be requested via e-mail at
The company will not accept any gift requests received after 17:00 on 6 June 2024.
The gifts requested will probably receive in September 2024.
The General Meeting will be streamed live on the company’s website.
The company recommends the participation in the General Meeting by proxy, remote voting or online attendance.
- Notice of call and agenda.
- Proposed resolutions approved by the Board of Directors.
- Separate Annual Accounts 2023 of Ebro Foods, S.A., to be submitted for approval 1.1 on the agenda.
- Auditors’ Report on Separate Accounts 2023 of Ebro Foods, S.A.
- Consolidated Annual Accounts 2023 of Ebro Foods, S.A., to be submitted for approval 1.1 on the agenda.
- Auditor’s Report on Consolidated Accounts 2023 of Ebro Foods, S.A.
- Separate Management Report 2023 of Ebro Foods, S.A., to be submitted for approval 1.2 on the agenda.
- Consolidated Management Report 2023 of Ebro Foods, S.A., to be submitted for approval 1.2 on the agenda.
- Statement of Non-Financial Information 2023 and corresponding audit report, to be submitted for approval under item 1.3 on the agenda.
- Annual Corporate Governance Report 2023, with the ICRF report issued by the external auditors.
- Disclaimer by the Directors of Ebro Foods, S.A. regarding the contents of the Annual Financial Report 2023.
- Report by the Audit, Control and Sustainability Committee on the independence of the external auditors in respect of the audit report 2023.
- Report by the Board of Directors (appending the proposal and the previous report by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee), pursuant to section 529 decies of the Corporate Enterprises Act, for ratification of the appointment by cooptation of the Director Elena Segura Quijada contemplated in item Five on the agenda.
- Information on the identity, curriculum and category of Elena Segura Quijada, in pursuance of the Corporate Enterprises Act section 518(e).
- Proposed approval of the Directors’ Remuneration Policy for 2025, 2026 and 2027, to be put to the vote under item Six on the agenda, including the specific report by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, (ii) the proposal and grounds stated by the Board, and (iii) the text of the Policy.
- Text of the Directors’ Remuneration Policy for 2025, 2026 and 2027.
- Annual Report on Directors’ Remuneration 2023, to be put to an advisory vote under item Seven on the agenda.
- Report by the Board of Directors on the appointment of the auditors of the Company and its consolidated Group for the years ending 31 December 2024, 2025 and 2026, to be put to the vote under item Eight on the agenda.
- Activity report of the Audit, Control and Sustainability Committee for the year ended 31 December 2023.
- Activity report of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee for the year ended 31 December 2023.
- Information on personal data processing.
- Regulations of the Electronic Shareholder Forum
- Conditions for access, registration, use and operation of the Electronic Shareholder Forum.
- Rules for onsite and online attendance and proxy and remote voting.
The onsite attendance, online attendance, proxy and remote voting cards have been issued by the Company and will only be valid if, apart from being correctly completed, it is accompanied by the attendance card issued by the institution at which the shareholder has deposited their shares, duly signed (or any other document proving their shareholder status) and, where appropriate, the other documents indicated in the notice of call and the rules for onsite and online attendance, proxy and remote voting and which can be consulted on the Company’s website.
Onsite Attendance card
Online Attendance card
Proxy card
Remote voting card
Electronic votes and proxies will be available from 08:00 on 6 May 2024 to 17:00 on 4 June 2024.
In order to vote or grant a proxy using electronic facilities, it is essential to prove shareholder status by attaching to the corresponding form a copy, in pdf format, of the attendance card issued by the member of Iberclear at which the shareholder’s shares are deposited, duly signed. Corporate shareholders shall also attach to the form a copy in pdf format of the documentation proving the powers of attorney of the individual voting on behalf of the shareholder.
The validity of electronic votes and proxies will be subject to confirmation by the Company, using any means available to it, of the information provided by the shareholder.
To consult the proxy and voting rules by electronic means, click on the following link: Rules for onsite and online attendance and proxy and remote voting
To access the electronic voting and proxy platform, click on the following link: Access to the electronic voting and proxy platform
In order to attend the General Meeting online, follow the instructions indicated below, which can also be found in the notice of call and the Rules for Onsite Attendance, Online Attendance, Proxy and Remote Voting published on this web and the Online Attendance platform.
Registration on this platform does not imply online attendance of the General Meeting.
Online attendance requires connection, on the date of the General Meeting, to the "Online attendance" platform.Shareholders registered but not connected to the platform on the date of the General Meeting will not be considered online attendees.
a)REGISTER AND ACCREDITATION: between 08:00 on 5 May 2023 and 17:00 on 5 June 2023
Any shareholders or their representatives wishing to attend the Annual General Meeting online must register and provide their accreditation through this link between 08:00 on 6 May 2024 and 17:00 on 4 June 2024. No registration or accreditation will be accepted outside those times.
When registering, it is essential to prove shareholder status and, if appropriate, also that of shareholder’s representative by attaching to the corresponding form a copy, in pdf format, of the duly signed attendance card issued by the member of Sociedad de Gestión de los Sistemas de Registro, Compensación y Liquidación de Valores (Iberclear) at which the shareholder’s shares are deposited. Corporate shareholders shall also attach to the form a copy in pdf format of the documentation proving the powers of attorney of their representative. The shareholder’s representative shall also attach a copy of the document granting those powers. Any registration that does not meet the accreditation requirements will not be accepted.
The Company reserves the right to ask shareholders and/or representatives for such additional proof of identity as it may deem fit to confirm their shareholder status or the adequacy of the powers granted.
b)CONNECTION: from 08:00 to 12:15 on the date of the General Meeting, i.e. 5 June 2024 on first call or 6 June 2024 on second call
After registering and accreditation, the shareholder or representative must connect online by clicking on this link between 08.00 and 12.15.00 on the date of the Annual General Meeting. Only the shareholders and representatives who have connected on the date and within the times indicated above will be able to vote and/or participate at the General Meeting.
If the General Meeting is inquorate on first call on 5 June 2024, the shareholders and representatives who have connected via this link on first call must connect again within the same times on second call on 6 June 2024 in order to attend the General Meeting.
To consult the online attendance platform, click on the following link: Rules for onsite and online attendance and proxy and remote voting
To access the online attendance platform, click on the following link: Access the online attendance platform